10 Best Coming-Of-Age Movies Of The Decade

4. Booksmart (2019)

Moonlight 2016
United Artists

Upon release, Booksmart was referred to as ‘Superbad for girls.’ Though such a description was great from a marketing perspective, the movie was much more than that.

Booksmart follows Molly and Amy, two bookish, hard-working students who are determined to have some fun on their last night before graduation.

Whilst the premise isn’t that original, the movie is full of highlights. The cinematography, for instance, is beautiful throughout. The underwater sequence is particularly stunning.

As for the performances, the two leads have an abundance of chemistry together, making the audience instantly believe they’ve been best friends for years. Yet the standout performance would have to be Billie Lourd, who steals every scene she’s in with her hilarious dialogue and maddening facial expressions. Her character is so good she really deserves her own spinoff.

Though Booksmart came out very recently, the critical and audience response has been so positive that it’s sure to become a classic in the future.

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Love to read and write. Have an unhealthy obsession with Harry Potter. Enjoy running up hills.