10 Best Coming-Of-Age Movies Of The Decade

2. Boyhood (2014)

Moonlight 2016
IFC Films

Boyhood is the most ambitious coming-of-age movie ever created. Filmed over the course of twelve years, the story follows Mason Evans from childhood through to early adulthood.

Due to the way it was filmed, the characters age naturally on screen, giving the film a unique sense of authenticity.

Despite the title, Boyhood is really the story of an entire family. Throughout the three-hour runtime the movie addresses dysfunctional relationships, alcoholism, single-parent families, as well as the pressures of adolescence and becoming an adult.

Richard Linklater’s writing and direction is not immediatley noteworthy. But as the film goes on it becomes apparent that Boyhood isn’t trying to present the most interesting adolescent life, but rather the most genuine.

The film even has a mundane quality to it some may find difficult to enjoy. However, for those who are willing to sit back and soak in this long, realistic narrative, Boyhood provides an unforgettable cinematic experience.

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Love to read and write. Have an unhealthy obsession with Harry Potter. Enjoy running up hills.