10 Best Disney Live-Action Movie Remakes Ranked Worst To Best

8. Dumbo

Anne Hathaway Alice Through The Looking Glass

Letting Tim Burton do a children's film is like giving the clichéd kid in the corner of the art-room full control over what he is doing without supervision. It might be great, it might be terrifying.

Well, in true Burton-esq fashion it was a weird mixture, but of dark tones and off-balance storytelling. Somebody like Tim Burton really does need full creative license to express his minds-eye and this is where the issue lay. Disney do Disney films, they don't make gothic-horror films because it's off-brand for them in a mainstream release. Though they have worked with him before on Alice In Wonderland, which reads like something that was created in a haze of opium and meth anyway, Dumbo needed a more delicate touch. Something Burton isn't exactly known for.

The film then was disappointing, it was too frightening for smaller children and just too constrained by family-friendly mice to appease adults. Meaning it appealed to nobody.

Michael Keaton and Danny DeVito were praised for their roles and the cast was full of talented individuals such as Colin Farrell and Eva Green, but in the end, Disney can do so much better, as can Burton. Which is the real shame.

The film failed to turn a profit in the end, falling somewhere around $150 million short.


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