10 Best Dog Movies

6. 101 Dalmatians (1961)

Lady And The Tramp

After Sleeping Beauty (1959) almost killed the Disney studios for good, Walt needed new, cheaper methods of producing animation on screen in order for the company to survive. 101 Dalmatians was the first of their films to use the Xerox method, which eliminated certain steps in the animation process in order to save time and money.

Even with budget cuts, the dogs still have such fluid motion which stand out even-greater against the line-drawn backgrounds. It’s also very apt how the aesthetic has a vintage '60s style, given that the movie is set in the 1960s. And what better adventure story to have than with a story about one hundred and one of the liveliest dog breeds out there – the dalmatian.

The story is of a villainous woman, named Cruella De Vil, who wants the skin of puppies for her latest fur coat. They must escape with their lives and find their way home before it’s too late. Charming, funny, thrilling and intense – 101 Dalmatians was proof that strong characters and an engaging narrative are enough to drive a movie.


Coffee Addict, Cartoon Obsessed, Theatre Kid