10 Best Elevator Scenes In Horror Movie History

6. The Silence Of The Lambs (1991)

Dark Water 2002
Orion Pictures

Hannibal Lecter’s escape is so ingenious you don’t even realise that you are frightened of the wrong person until after the scene! The misdirected tension is wonderfully built up to a great twist.

Police find Lecter’s two prison guards, one disembowelled, and the other barely alive with a horribly disfigured face. They strap the survivor to a gurney and bring him down in the elevator, all the while in radio contact to try and find the missing psychopath.

Blood starts to drip from the ceiling of the elevator and the police keep up the charade that they think he is somewhere else in the building, while fixing their guns up, ready for Lecter to burst through and attack. They finally get to the ground floor and rush the gurney out to the safety of the ambulance while the rest of the officers surround the elevator to apprehend Lecter.

After finally opening the hatch we see the second prison guard, dead, with his face ripped off, the scene jumps to the ambulance where it is revealed Lecter horrifically escaped wearing his face.


Acclaimed horror novelist and screenwriter... just kidding, eats pizza and watches horror movies with her cat