10 Best Fat Kids In Movie History

7. Piggy - Lord Of The Flies

Piggy, played by Hugh Edwards, is without a doubt the most tragic character on this list. Lord Of The Flies is a devastating look at a group of schoolboys€™ descent into savagery after being marauded on a deserted island. Piggy is doomed to his nickname after Ralph politely explains that his name isn€™t €œFatty€ and that€™s about the nicest thing that happens to him. Piggy is portrayed as weak but civil, and therefore actually comes off looking the best (or at least near it) of all the boys. He can€™t hunt, but crucially his glasses can be used to make a fire, necessary for cooking meat as well as alerting a rescue plane to the children€™s whereabouts. Sadly, whilst Piggy is making an eloquent plea for the group to act sensibly, he is murdered in cold blood, revealing the true nature of the boys. Yes, that was a spoiler but you probably should have read the book in junior high anyways. Choice Quote: €œWe can€™t go on acting like kids!€
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Joe Sippy grew up in Chicago and now resides in Los Angeles. He enjoys corn dogs, rap music, and horror movies. On weekends you can find him in the ocean, surfing very poorly.