10 Best Fat Kids In Movie History

4. Goldberg - The Mighty Ducks

Big kids make great goalies for obvious reasons, but nobody owns the role quite like Goldberg (played throughout the Mighty Ducks franchise by Shaun Weiss). Goldie€™s bar mitzvah (where he is made into a man in goal) trumps so many cheesy €œimprovement€ montages from sports movies it€™s not even funny. The Mighty Ducks just needs one scene with Emilio Estevez€™ Coach Bombay to graduate a wimpy character who is terrified of a puck into a shot-blocking machine. Strapping Goldberg into the goal is pure genius, and it€™s even better that they leave him strapped there after practice. Don€™t get too cocky, kid. Being a part of a franchise means Goldberg has numerous films to show off his chubby charm. Perhaps his next finest moment comes in D3 when the team is rollerblading down the street. In a three-minute long extended sequence, he and his buddy Charlie skate off-course and end up going backwards down a stairway, blindly through an alley (while being chased by a pitbull), and careening through heavy traffic before flying off an overpass. It was apparently 90€™s law that there was at least one instance of €œX-treme Sportz€ in all kids movies. Choice Quote: €œI am Goldberg, the goalie!€
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Joe Sippy grew up in Chicago and now resides in Los Angeles. He enjoys corn dogs, rap music, and horror movies. On weekends you can find him in the ocean, surfing very poorly.