10 Best Female Characters In Sci-Fi Movie History

4. Princess Leia - Star Wars

The Matrix Trinity

Princess Leia is the first lady of Sci-Fi. The wild popularity of the original Star Wars trilogy and its subsequent series has had a considerable mark on culture. Science-Fiction as a genre depends on Star Wars in a similar way to Fantasy's connection to Middle-Earth. The series that follows the saga of the Skywalkers has had plenty of iconic characters, but one of the most beloved and well recognised is Leia Skywalker.

Carrie Fisher became synonymous with this role as it defined her career. We watch throughout the series as Leia grows and becomes more and more knowledgeable as a rebel leader. She starts as a simple damsel in distress, but still has plenty of agency. Arguing with and physically fighting her captors, she is clearly destined to be something special. Although a lot of her time in the original trilogy panders to fans a little too much, the character is dignified and has important agency.

Watching her become a General in the latest films is great, and although things sour thanks to some strange writing and the unbelievably tragic loss of Carrie Fisher, Leia is still a beloved character.

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