10 Best Female Characters In Sci-Fi Movie History

3. Trinity - Matrix

The Matrix Trinity

When the Matrix released in 1999, it exploded in popularity. Sci-Fi hadn't felt as cool as this for a long time, and that generated a massive audience. It does go downhill with the sequels, but the tale of Neo is still filled with extraordinary characters, and one of the best has to be Trinity.

She was the first person to make physical contact with Neo and essentially a guide - alongside Morpheus - to bringing him out of the simulation and into the real world.

Trinity has always had a distinct identity in the films. Everyone in this series avoids smiling and talks a little too seriously, but Trinity does it better than all of them. Her stoic nature gives off an incredibly cool persona, which is entirely what the film was going for.

Carrie-Anne Moss, who played the role made it iconic. When you think of this epic series, one of the first images that comes to mind is this leather drenched badass.

We have no idea how it will be, but we can't wait to see more of her in Matrix 4.

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