10 Best Female Characters In Sci-Fi Movie History

2. Sarah Connor - Terminator

The Matrix Trinity
TriStar Pictures

Sarah Connor in the first Terminator film is nothing compared to what she becomes. In a world full of terrifying metal-skeleton robots determined to destroy humanity, Sarah Connor is somehow an even more intimidating presence.

While its progression would eventually doom itself with overly complicated time travel, plot-holes and retconning, the Terminator franchise is still something to be impressed by. The epic action Sci-Fi generates a bleak and cruel outlook on the state of humanity and war.

Although Schwarzenegger's Terminator and John Connor seem to be the essential characters in the series, it is Linda Hamilton as Sarah Connor that steals the role of the protagonist. There has always been this focus on what John would end up doing, and it always either felt too distant or lacklustre when it was eventually revelled. The less said about Salvation, the better.

With Sarah, we were always there with her and witnessing her do incredible things. John may have been presented as the "saviour" of humanity, but in T2, you watched as Sarah proved herself to be the real hero.

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