10 Best Female Vampires In Horror Movies

7. Clara Webb - Byzantium

Byzantium Clara

What's cooler than one vampire? Two vampires! That's what makes Byzantium such a blast, as it follows the pairing of a mother/daughter vampire duo in Eleanor (Saoirse Ronan) and Clara (Gemma Arterton). Still, while the younger vamp is engaging, it's Arterton's Clara that really grabs you by the throat and pulls you in.

The movie follows the pair as they travel to a seaside town to escape the vampiric brethren who are hunting them down.

Clara gives you the best of both worlds, as she's utterly seductive and adhering to the femme fatale type, but also deep and nuanced, mostly thanks to her relationship with her daughter and her tragic backstory. She also is prone to getting her hands dirty, killing those who cross her and taking no nonsense.

Part of what makes the character work so well is Arterton's performance, as she's magnetic. She draws you in and makes you listen to her, thanks to her softly-spoken voice and confident demeanour, before blindsiding you with some fearsome moments. This turns Clara into a character you can't keep your eyes off.


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