10 Best Female Vampires In Horror Movies

5. The Girl - A Girl Walks Home Alone At Night

Byzantium Clara
Vice Films

This movie has the distinct honour of being the first "Iranian vampire western", and, let's just say, if there are any more Iranian vampire westerns, they'll have some big shoes to fill. It's a stunning movie that is shot beautifully, has a lot to say, and features an awesome female vampire.

If you're not in the market for a thrilling vampire movie which sees a woman preying on men who disrespect women, then look in another direction because that's what you'll get here. It follows a nameless vampire who uses her predatory powers to turn the tables and take out a slew of sleazy men, sometimes while riding a skateboard - yes, really!

Sheila Vand takes the lead role and is magnetic. Her performance is enticing and vulnerable at the same time, especially as the relationships she builds throughout the movie develop. You get the sense that she's a force of karmic justice but also a surprisingly human vampire with guilt and self-awareness.

It's one of the most unique vampire movies you will ever see, and the leading figure is a big part of that.


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