10 Best Fifth Movies In Franchises

2. X-Men: First Class

X-men First Class
20th Century Fox

Thanks to the bloating, farting corpse that was X-Men Origins: Wolverine, this movie from 2011 is actually the fifth entry into the mutant film collection.

The first in the prequel series of X-Men films, First Class introduced us all to the younger, more handsomer versions of the superheroes you know and love.

Just kidding, we are Patrick Stewart stans 4 lyf.

James McAvoy is Professor X, Michael Fassbender is Magneto, Nicholas Hoult is Beast, and Jennifer Lawrence is the Na'vi from Avatar - whoops! - we mean Mystique.

The action is set against the backdrop of the Cold War, as the newly-formed X-Men unite to prevent the evil Sebastian Shaw from starting a nuclear war. We get plenty of backstory, including how the Professor met Mystique, how he lost the use of his legs, and how Magneto got his cool hat!

There's plenty of action and plenty of new mutants to meet along the way too. McAvoy and Fassbender give great performances as the future old timers, and the movie helps lay the groundwork for all the future X-Men prequels.

Although, not sure how loudly they should be touting that as an accolade.


Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.