10 Best Fight Scenes In Comic Book Movies

4. Avengers - Black Widow On The Chair

Wolverine Vs X24
Marvel Studios

Similar to Captain America in the elevator, except in a slightly bigger space and with way more acrobatics.

Part of Black Widow’s mystique in Iron Man 2 is her lack of backstory, but it does hamper development somewhat. That’s why when Avengers opens with her strapped to a chair, we’re not sure what to make of it. She’s in a precarious position, and although audiences knew such a main character wasn’t going to be killed off, we definitely weren’t expecting what came next.

Not only does Widow escape her ropes with ease, she’s only been pretending to let the interrogators have the upper hand to get information from them. While this is excellent foreshadowing for her getting the drop on Loki, it also provides a great insight into her intelligence; especially as her debut focussed almost solely on her athletic prowess.

As well as the story elements, the action is amazing too. Using the chair to her advantage, she uses it as a weapon against two enemies before slamming down to shatter it and escape. From there we see her full acrobatic skillset, and the cutaway to Coulson waiting patiently lets us know that this is the real Black Widow style.

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Self appointed queen of the SJWs. Find me on Twitter @FiveTacey (The 5 looks like an S. Do you get it? Do you get my joke about the 5?)