10 Best Fight Scenes In The Marvel Cinematic Universe

6. Captain America & Winter Soldier Vs. Black Panther And The US Government - Captain America: Civil War

Captain America Civil War Cap Iron Man
Marvel Studios

This scene comes from Captain America: Civil War, and is one of the MCU's most underrated action pieces.

Captain America sets out to find Bucky before the government can, and does so just in the nick of time. What follows is Cap chasing Bucky through an apartment building and out into the streets, while the two beat goons in a great fight scene. Then Black Panther shows up for the first time and we get an amazing chase sequence.

We get Winter Soldier blocking bullets with his metal arm, smashing goons through walls with concrete blocks, then fighting his way down a stairwell while Cap chases after. This scene uses lots of interesting camera angles as well as showing the difference between Bucky's brutal fight style and Cap's safety-first style.

Next things we know, Bucky is hopping rooftops and exchanging blows with Black Panther. The scene follows them as they run through traffic at blistering speeds before hopping in vehicles and continuing through a tunnel with Cap and Falcon in pursuit. It ends when Bucky's wheel is slashed by Black Panther and the trio are surrounded by soldiers. It's enthralling action and a fantastic introduction to Black Panther.

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Curtis is from Ireland and lives in Canada now.