10 Best Fight Scenes In The Marvel Cinematic Universe

5. Iron Man Vs. Hulk - Avengers 2: Age Of Ultron

Captain America Civil War Cap Iron Man
Marvel Studios

Almost a decade ago, fans were thoroughly enjoying the MCU, but we never thought we'd get the level of fan service that we've received in the years since. The first big glimpse of such fan service was when Iron Man donned the Hulkbuster outfit and went toe-to-toe with Hulk in Avengers: Age of Ultron. It was an exhilarating, knockdown, drag-out brawl and the high-point of the movie.

Hulk has always been a ticking timebomb (or was), but in Age of Ultron his already-dodgy mind is warped by Scarlet Witch and he completely loses it. Iron Man then calls in a contingency plan he's had in back-up: the Hulkbuster suit. What follows is the two brawling through the streets of Sokovia, tearing up asphalt, throwing cars like rocks, punches that send shockwaves throughout the area, and even knocking down an entire building.

It's an awe-inspiring scene like something that jumped right out of a comic book, and a befitting brouhaha between two of Marvel's most powerful heroes. And, in typical MCU fashion, it felt the need to end the somewhat dramatic scene with a somewhat literal punchline of Iron Man knocking Hulk out before he can rage again. Great stuff.

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Curtis is from Ireland and lives in Canada now.