10 Best Fight Scenes In The Marvel Cinematic Universe

4. Captain America & Winter Solider Vs. Iron Man - Captain America: Civil War

Captain America Civil War Cap Iron Man
Marvel Studios

Even though Civil War the movie is almost completely different from the comic book, it does still treat us to a gritty showdown between Captain America, Winter Soldier, and Iron Man.

In Siberia, where Baron Zemo has led the trio, Iron Man finds out that Winter Solider killed his parents and that Cap knew about it. Stark fires off on Bucky while Rogers attempts to stop them from killing each other, trying to reason with Tony that it was a brainwashed Bucky.

After battling their way down a missile silo, the three end up at the snowy bottom, where Iron Man blasts bucky's arm off before Cap totally unloads on him. It's borderline difficult to watch as Cap slams Iron Man headfirst into the ground, then bashes his helmet in with his shield. Cap smashes the arc reactor, then tosses the shield aside and walks off.

It's a visceral scene that's unlike most others in the MCU because we get to see Iron Man angry and attempting to kill. It was a bittersweet but undeniably cool battle, not to mention it had ramifications that are still being felt in the movies. It may have irrevocably damaged Cap and Iron Man's relationship but at least it was awesome to behold.

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Curtis is from Ireland and lives in Canada now.