10 Best Film Biopics About Politicians

7. Vice

Anthony Hopkins Nixon

Adam McKay adds his distinct surrealist level of humour to a troubling recent part of American history as he paints Dick Cheney as the power behind the throne of George W. Bush's presidency.

Christian Bale does what he always does as he physically transforms his body into the more recognisably round Cheney and distorts his voice to match the former Vice President. Bale's ability to morph into someone else never ceases to impress.

As Cheney infects the White House with his opportunistic agenda, he slowly begins to take the reins from President Bush (played by Sam Rockwell) and make decisions that America is still feeling the consequences of today.

Such serious material is offset by McKay's outlandish comedy and moments of bizarre levity. It's a mixed bag, with some jokes landing better than others.

For a story as disturbing as this, McKay's direction only heightens the madness being depicted onscreen and presents Cheney as a truly malevolent figure. With a great cast that features strong supporting work from Amy Adams and Steve Carell, Vice is a comedically warped but critical view of Cheney's time in the White House.


Opinionated pop-culture commentator who aspires to be a writer so people can opinionatedly comment on the pop-culture I put out.