10 Best Final Speeches In Movie History

6. Battle Of Plataea (300)

Blade Runner Rutger Hauer
Ladd Company

Based on Frank Miller's comic series of the same name, and with Gerard Butler and Lena Headey starring, it seemed that 2006's 300 was destined for success.

With the titular 300 Spartans undergoing a truly grueling training regime in order to get themselves in shape for the movie, they all looked very much the part as they attempted to hold the pass at Thermopylae against over 100,000 Persians.

The story is well known to fans of Miller's comic books or of classical history, and many knew that the Spartans were doomed from the start. They lay down their lives in defense of their homeland, but not before sending wounded solider Dilios back to Sparta.

The film's closing speech, delivered by Dilios to a huge force of Greeks readying themselves for combat against the Persians, is haunting and every bit as dramatic as you would hope from an historical epic.

It's made even cooler by the fact that Dilios lost his eye fighting the Persians, and as he leads the charge he sports a stylish band by way of an eyepatch.

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Antisocial nerd that spends a lot of time stringing words together. Once tried unsuccessfully to tame a crow.