10 Best First Kills From Horror Movies

7. Michelle Mancini - Urban Legend

Urban Legend movie
Sony Pictures

Ever hear the old expression about not judging books by their cover? Clearly Michelle Mancini from 1998's Urban Legend hadn't, as if she had, she might have lived a bit longer.

Michelle pulls up to a gas station to refuel, but encounters an attendant behaiving very strangely. After fighting off her supposed attacker, we learn that the good-natured man simply has a stutter and was trying to warn the young girl about someone lurking in the back seat of her car.

Not to worry, she soon finds out for herself.

As she drives away in a frantic hurry, the unknown assailant slowly rises up behind her, axe in hand. In a moment that is perfectly accompanied by the score and weather, the lurker swings his weapon, lopping poor Michelle's head clean off.

Everything about the first five minutes of Urban Legend rules. The dark, stormy setting, the misdirect of the attendant, the reveal of the killer. All of it is superbly paced and seamlessly executed.

In bad news for the rest of the movie, it absolutely sucked. Just watch the opening on YouTube and then put Scream on, you'll have a much better time.

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Urban Legend
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Jacob Simmons has a great many passions, including rock music, giving acclaimed films three-and-a-half stars, watching random clips from The Simpsons on YouTube at 3am, and writing about himself in the third person.