10 Best Friendships In Horror Movies
6. The Vampire Family - Near Dark
There’s a fly on the ceiling. If you’ve seen Near Dark, you’ll know how the vampires within the film operate. Therefore, you’ll know how imperative it is to should keep your eyes firmly locked on the one immediately next to you. Even though there may in fact be a fly on the ceiling, looking up will likely result in you emulating a fly caught in the lure of a spider's web.
Unless you’re part of the family, that is.
The nameless family of this fantastic entry into the horror canon, which has somehow fallen into the more obscure echelons of horror history, contains a nuclear family that’s a little more radioactive than the average unit. Enlisted are the parental figures of Jesse and Diamondback, the two overzealously rebellious boys Severen and Homer, and the sole daughter and the main malefactor, Mae.
Mae may in fact be the only redeeming factor in the family - if you look past the fact that she brought the latest, unsuspecting addition of Caleb into their ranks by enticing him before biting him. As soon as the pain in his neck is relinquished, he comes to comprehend just how much a rag tag bag of misfits can actually care for each other. They’d be kind of endearing, if fear wasn’t interfering.