10 Best Friendships In Horror Movies

5. Stu & Billy - Scream

Let The Right One In Eli
Dimension Films

Movies don’t create psychos. Movies make psychos more creative! Even though it may have only been Billy who uttered this phrase whilst Stu was busy dwelling on how mad his parents are going to be, the now-legendary line from Wes Craven’s meta-horror masterpiece applies to both macabre adolescents.

Stu and Billy are a pair of horror movie fanatics who let their love affair with the slasher genre become a little too literal - although they initially seem like a pair of pedantic teenagers revelling in the gratuitous madness that takes place around the Woodsboro campus. They're almost like infantile children hearing of Santa’s presence becoming a reality. Their unsettling obsession reaches new heights (or depths) when they in fact turn out to be the perpetrators behind the heinous acts that are plaguing their quant little suburbia.

Some bonds in films are prevalent, some are elegant, and some are downright lacking a motivational sentiment. Stu and Billy fall into this latter category as donning a standard Halloween outfit turns the two from insensitive, unsympathetic idiots to irredeemable, unfeeling murderers. They may have never graduated from the school they attended, but certainly delved into some less than admirable extra-curricular activities.

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My name is Callum Marsh, but people tend to either call me Cal or Marsh (very creative, I know). Contact: Callumarsh@gmail.com