10 Best Hidden Gem Found Footage Horror Movies

2. Invoking Yell (2023)

Alien Abduction
Welcome Villain Films

Metal is life. But, unfortunately, it can also be death. 

There are plenty of great horror movies that play with the closeness between the heavy metal genre and darkness, death, and decay. Some great examples include Deathgasm, Lords of Chaos, and Studio 666. As such, it should come as no surprise that the found footage genre has its own take on it.  

Invoking Yell is a Chilean horror that tells the story of three metalhead women. This trio ventures into a supposedly haunted woodland area to record sound and footage for their black metal band, Invoking Yell. Naturally, things soon become dangerous and unpredictable. 

One of the most engaging things about the film is the compelling performances from Maria Jesus Marcone, Macarena Carrere, and Andrea Ozuljevich as the leading characters. It's a breath of fresh air to see an all-female cast in found footage, and their charisma, combined with their love of all things dark and macabre, makes for a fun collection of characters. 

The film itself is slow in places and repetitive in its writing, but the stellar climax, unique setting, and great use of sound make for a fascinating (and thrilling) watch.

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