10 Best High School Horror Movies

8. The Craft

High school can be tough, especially when a pack of nitpicking bullies are dragging you down. For this group of increasingly rebellious teens, bullies are an excuse to wield magic vengefully. Bonnie (Neve Campbell), Nancy (Fairuza Balk) and Rochelle (Rachel True) aren't exactly leading a charmed life when we meet them. Cutting class, insulting the school bus driver, pulling the old five finger discount at shops and now witchcraft. Some parents just don't have it easy with their offspring do they?

The mischievous trio induct new girl Sarah (Robin Tunney) into their ranks and begin dabbling in the dark arts. It's all a merry old time till someone turns up dead thanks to their antics. From there, things quickly spiral out of control as they are wont to do in horror films. Flashy, supernatural scares and throwdowns dominate much of the film's third act.

The Craft broke from several teen movie clichés in order to address darker, more progressive elements of growing up. A moderate box office hit, the film's mix of black comedy, high school drama and oddball special effects have made it a cult classic in recent years.

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