10 Best Horror Movie Cameos

2. A Lot Of Folks In Wishmaster (1997)

Wishmaster1 Wishmaster was a little horror movie that took the genie fable and turned it upside down. If one as to find one of these genies (or Djinn, as they're known as in the film), you would get your obligatory three wishes. The catch being that the third wish would set the Djinn free, and lets just say that the Djinn aren't as benevolent as Robin Williams in Aladdin. Produced by Wes Craven, the film suffers from the wooden acting and the sub-par dilogue generally associated with horror films, however Wishmaster sets itself apart for one reason, the near endless parade of horror movie icon cameos. Every kid that grew up in the 80s would recognise Robert Englund who gave life to Freddy in A Nightmare On Elm Street, Kane Hodder, who looks just as menacing as when he dons a hockey mask and Tony Todd (we bet you still can't say 'Candyman' into a mirror five times). These are just a few of many cameos that The Wishmaster boasts. List the ones you've spotted in the comments! Fun Fact: Many of the Wishmaster's crew members had small roles in the movie as well, often times appearing in different scenes as different characters.
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Ryan Lynch is a freelance journalist from the United States. He currently lives in Adelaide, Australia and writes for Adelaide-based music magazine Rip It Up. He wishes he could live like Hank Moody, but he watches too much TV and plays too many videogames to be that nonchalant.