10 Best Horror Movies To Stream This Halloween

6. Troll Hunter (Netflix)

Train To Busan

A massively underrated found footage movie by all standards, Troll Hunter is a great little film for those that want something different come this Halloween. Dark fantasy meets horror in all the best ways, Trollhunter is a throwback to the days of classic creature features, giving the subgenre a big old breath of fresh air that takes it to monstrous new heights.

The story follows a group of students investigating a stint of bear deaths in Norway, locating a hunter named Hans who seems responsible for the issue. Instead, however, Hans reveals to the group that it's something far stranger resulting in the death of Norway's wildlife - and he's no average hunter.

Huge, landscape defining monsters are roaming free and in need of putting down, something that Hans specializes in thanks to his employment with a secret government agency. He agrees to take the students with him on his exploits in troll hunting, and all hell breaks loose from there.

The film is excellent fun all round, and a nice change of pace for those that have seen it all when it comes to classic horror. If you thought you knew urban legends, think again.

Titles relating to dark fantasy & legendary monsters: Pan's Labyrinth, The Barrens, Willow Creek.


Horror film junkie, burrito connoisseur, and serial cat stroker. WhatCulture's least favourite ginger.