10 Best "I Want" Songs In Animated Films

5. The Hunchback Of Notre Dame - "Out There"

What makes this song unique is that it actually consists of two songs: “In Here” and “Out There.” Whilst the former sees the character Judge Frollo manipulating Quasimodo to stay inside the Notre-Dame de Paris, relying heavily on low strings and ominous tolls of bells, the latter is lighter and fast-paced in contrast.

Orchestral in its composition and also using rousing bell-ringing, Quasimodo's part starts off slow before swelling up, reflecting his dreams to venture out of what is basically solitary confinement. In short, he merely wants to be free, doing things such as walking under the sun that we would normally take for granted.

Tom Hulce's light voice captures the innocence and longing of Quasimodo as he envisions what it's like to live in the world outside the cathedral. Contrasting with Frollo's painting the outside world in a negative light, Quasimodo's idealised vision, of which he sings as he expertly moves around the gorgeously-drawn version of the building, speaks volumes about how he has been wanting to escape entrapment for the longest time.


A Journalism graduate raised on Disney, Britcoms and Archie Comics (in no particular order). Loves dogs, addicted to tea and is an all-round Sims fanatic. Has a fondness for virtual archers and cowboys of the Mortal Kombat and Overwatch variety, and is patiently biding her time until fan-girling becomes a recognised profession.