10 Best 'I'm Dead And I Know It' Moments In Apocalypse Horror Movies

3. Clapet - Delicatessen

Oblivion Vika death andrea riseborough
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Amongst the various viral and environmental apocalypse stories we’ve looked at so far, this film will stand out a bit. This takes the sentiment of all landlords being parasites that slowly devour their tenants and makes it literal; the central villain of this film is a landlord who butchers people to sell their meat to his tenants.

Eventually this absolute specimen gets his comeuppance, of all things in the form of a boomerang knife. Yes that’s right, a boomerang knife. As the name suggests, the beauty of a boomerang knife is that if you throw it, it comes back to you. This is fantastic in a Thor’s hammer sort of way but deadly if you’re less of a god and more of an idiot.

Clapet gets hold of this knife and attempts to kill one of his tenants, only to have the knife fly back at him and land bang in the middle of his forehead. He slowly turns around, wide-eyed and with his mouth agape. The man is shocked to say the least, and in his surprise barely has the time to be angry about his impending death.

He got what was coming to him and it was his own stupid fault, and damn was it satisfying!


WhatCulture's shortest contributor (probably). Lover of cats, baked goods and Netflix Originals.