10 Best Irish Horror Movies You Need To Watch

6. Grabbers (2012)

The Hole In The Ground
Sony Pictures/Element Pictures

Strange events begin to happen in a remote Irish community when beached whales start to appear and locals start to go missing. Soon after, alcoholic police officer Ciarán (Richard Coyle) and his new partner, a workaholic city cop from Dublin, Lisa (Ruth Bradley) discover that the town has become infested with bloodsucking aliens.

However, after they realise that alcohol is toxic to the creatures when the town drunk (Lalor Roddy) survives an attack, the pair decide to hold a lock-in at the local pub so that the town’s residents will get incredibly drunk.

This is Grabbers, a joyous horror-comedy from director Jon Wright which has as much fun with its off-the-wall premise as humanly possible. As a creature feature, Grabbers doesn’t disappoint. Despite a relatively low budget, the creature design is effectively creepy and technically impressive. The tentacled terrors are a constant source of threat, with their presence spelling doom for anyone nearby.

However, the biggest strength of the script is its heart. Watching the ensemble cast of characters relationships grow as they interact in an increasingly inebriated state is as sincere as it is hilarious.

Grabbers is the cinematic equivalent of a great night out with friends – but with killer aliens outside.


Glasgow-based cinephile who earned a Masters degree in film studies to spend their time writing about cinema, video games, and horror.