10 Best Leonardo DiCaprio Movies Of All Time

8. The Revenant

Leonardo DiCaprio The Beach
Regency Enterprises

The Revenant, or, just how far is one many willing to go to win that elusive Oscar? Whatever your opinion on this film - the performance delivered and DiCaprio finally received that Best Actor statue!

However, the intensity of the film pays off. It may not have much in the way of plot but that isn't the point. It's very much a film that depicts the darkness of the nature that these characters inhabit. Tom Hardy is excellent as the rough and repulsive antagonist, seemingly out of place in this new world.

His actions toward DiCaprio are barbaric, tearing away all sense of humanity. DiCaprio then abandons himself in the part, immersing the audience in one of the starkest and most uncomfortable films to sit through out of his entire career.

That he won the Oscar for this film speaks, slightly, to the fact that he was somewhat owed one for his long career of great performances. The same has been levelled to Scorsese's Oscar for The Departed (another DiCaprio stellar performance). They are both excellent films, probably on the way to iconic status. Yet, both men deserved the award long before either film was released.

That said, The Revenant is worth the praise. It is a slow film, though it is not meant to be anything but. It is a beautiful, dark experience, showing DiCaprio at one of the most extreme edges of his range.


Writer. Reader. Host. I'm Seán, I live in Ireland and I'm the poster child for dangerous obsessions with Star Trek. Check me out on Twitter @seanferrick