10 Best Live-Action Anime Movies

4. Inuyashiki

Alita Battle Angel

Anime is one of the most fascinating forms of storytelling, as it can take unbelievable strange concepts and make them writhe with emotion. There are very few mediums that can make such weird concepts so poignant, and Inuyashiki is an excellent example of this. It's a compelling yet wacky anime that seemed impossible to bring to the big screen. But, it happened, and only a year after the anime counterpart was released.

Inuyashiki follows a middle-aged man named Ichiro Inuyashiki, a well-meaning but somewhat pathetic person who finds himself constantly looked down on. However, things change drastically for him as after being killed by an alien ship crash landing, they apologise by rebuilding him and granting him superhuman powers. He seeks to use these for good - such as healing terminally ill people - but finds himself challenged as a young man has inherited the same gift and uses it for darker purposes.

The concept is truly baffling, but the film's emotional core comes from how compelling and likeable the lead is. His desire to do good, contrasted with his counterpart's devilish antics, gives the film a true sense of morality and the duality of the human condition. Many seek to heal, while others seek to hurt.

It's also full of some great action and delicious sci-fi imagery, which makes watching it an absolute blast.


Michael is my name, overanalysing comedy is my game! Anime, wrestling, TV, movies and video games all live in my head rent free!