10 Best Live Action Movie Batsuits

7. Val Kilmer's Sonar Suit - Batman Forever

Batman Michael Keaton Val Kilmer
Warner Bros.

Wait a minute, "Batman Forever" again?!

To some, this may be quite a surprising entrant, given that the late Joel Schumacher's films were essentially glorified toy commercials. On the other hand, there really was no denying just how cool Kilmer's second batsuit looked. Shots of the "prototype with the sonar modifications" were plastered over all of the advertising, which sort of took away a bit of the surprise of its reveal, (and inadvertently added to the surprise of learning that the lesser-promoted batsuit had nipples...)

Indeed, it is very busy looking and the ostentatious design is clearly going for style over function. But in the context of "Batman Forever," it works quite well. It also marks the first time since the serials that the live action Batman appears sans yellow oval on his chest. Additionally, this suit has another first for the live action Batman: the cowl incorporates lenses over the eyes (albeit for a moment).

Fun fact: this suit was the one that Christian Bale had to wear during his audition for the role of Batman.

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