10 Best Live Action Movie Batsuits

6. Michael Keaton - Batman Returns

Batman Michael Keaton Val Kilmer

For Tim Burton and Michael Keaton's second outing with the caped crusader, the Batman costume was modified somewhat to be more sleeker and angular than its predecessor. Particular attention was paid to the face of the cowl, which now has more of a scowl based on Keaton's own resting bat-face. (Those eyebrows give the Twelfth Doctor a run for his money...)

The Returns costume had somewhat of an overhaul from the waist up. The belt remained the same, except now the bat-gadget selector was automatic, and somehow read Batman's mind before supplying what he needed. Northwards, the stomach armour was squared off into a more plated design and the logo was corrected (more on that later).

Costume designer Bob Ringwood, who had also created the previous movie's suit, took inspiration from "art deco toasters and vacuum cleaners." The result looks great on camera, and although the same mobility issues from the previous movie remained, (again, later) Keaton's sharp movements and steely gaze made movie-viewers see past the fact that, despite two movies in, Batman still couldn't turn his head.

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David has finally gotten his act together and written a bio. The only trouble is, it's not very good...