10 Best Live Action Movie Batsuits

5. Christian Bale - Batman Begins

Batman Michael Keaton Val Kilmer
Warner Bros.

This batsuit may look a little busy by today's standards, but the hype that surrounded Christian Bale's interpretation of Batman (as well as the character's return to his darker roots) meant that even just a glimpse of The Dark Knight was enough to celebrate. For his first Batman film, Christopher Nolan was desperate to have everything real in the world that it was set in, and as such, the batsuit had to be on-point.

It paid off, as the "nomex survival suit for advanced infantry" looks like it can take a beating, even though its wearer tends to be the one dishing them out. Made from lighter material than the six batsuits seen since Adam West's Batman, the costume was easier to move in for the man behind the cowl, and it was obvious on-screen. The silhouette was given an overhaul, as the ears were shaped to appear more like devil horns. Finally, the giant symbol across the front was the first official ditching of the oval bat-symbol as standard on-screen.

And that cape... it was so long that it was reported to leave a room about 10 minutes after Batman had disappeared. Allegedly....

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The Batman
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David has finally gotten his act together and written a bio. The only trouble is, it's not very good...