10 Best Live Action Movie Batsuits

4. Christian Bale - The Dark Knight & The Dark Knight Rises

Batman Michael Keaton Val Kilmer
Warner Bros.

One movie in, and it was gone. 2005's "Batman Begins" had done a great job of reintroducing Batman as a serious force on the big screen, especially after 1997's dumpster fire "Batman & Robin." Nolan had delivered a grounded and serious Batman. However, despite its verisimilitude, there was still one significant flaw with the protagonist's super strong suit that had plagued Batman for nearly twenty years.

He still couldn't turn his head.

That was, until "The Dark Knight." Batman's inability to look even slightly to his left or right was rectified for the first time on screen with the introduction of Christian Bale's second batsuit. They even referenced the issue within the story; of course a caped outlaw who stalks Gotham's rooftops would need his peripheral vision. Although Bruce Wayne gave up some armour provided resistance for the sake of increased mobility, the result was a more ninja-like (and no-nonsense) Dark Knight that looked like a dark knight.

Somehow, the suit's design ended up to be busier than its predecessor, yet also managed to make Batman look cooler...

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The Batman
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David has finally gotten his act together and written a bio. The only trouble is, it's not very good...