10 Best Magneto Moments

8. Lifting Cars And Guns - X-Men

The original 2000 X-Men film started one of the biggest film franchises in the world, pleasing fans and critics alike. This film gave us Hugh Jackman's Wolverine, Patrick Stewart's Professor X, and - of course - Ian McKellan's Magneto.

This film presents Magneto as purely a villain more so than any other film in the franchise, and his best moment in the film is when he abducts Rogue in a thrilling train-station battle with the X-Men.

While trying to escape, he finds a blockade of police cars trying to entrap him. Conveniently for Magneto, the officers' cars and guns are made of metal, so he is able to effortlessly lift them into the air and - if he so desired - kill everybody present.

Despite Professor X's earnest attempts to stop Magneto by reasoning, the latter shrugs it off and makes a clean getaway in a helicopter.

This display of power shows that he is able to easily disarm and take down an entire army, emphasising what a formidable enemy he is, while also being one of the best scenes in the original X-Men trilogy.

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X-Men Magneto
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