10 Best Magneto Moments

9. Stealing Back The Helmet - X-Men: Days Of Future Past

X-Men: Days of Future Past features a Magneto (for he has now fully transformed into the Master of Magnetism) somewhere between the Homo-Sapien-hating villainy of Ian McKellan's portrayal in the original X-Men trilogy, and the well-meaning Nazi-hunter in X-Men: First Class.

After initially joining forces with Professor X and Wolverine, he later goes rogue (typical Magneto). One scene features him breaking into the Pentagon in order to retrieve his metal helmet.

His cool, casual strides and the effortless manner in which he incapacitates all the security, coupled with the spine-chilling build-up of John Ottman's score, make this scene - short as it may be - one of Magneto's best.

The cherry on the top is the iconic metal helmet, which symbolises the antagonistic elements of the character, and foreshadows the action-packed climax of the film.

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X-Men Magneto
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