10 Best Magneto Moments

4. Bar Scene - X-Men: First Class

The Nazi hunt continues as Erik Lehnsherr arrives in Argentina. He stops in a bar, only to realise that the men inside are all associates of Sebastian Shaw, his torturer.

The Magneto theme is at its best in this scene, starting off slowly and subtly, building up to an extravagant crescendo - reflecting Erik's increasing vengeful rage. He drops hints to his victims before revealing the number tattoo on his arm, confirming the ex-Nazis' suspicions.

They attempt futilely to kill Erik, as he kills them one by one, relishing each moment. This is the moment in which Erik becomes a killer, finishing each of them off with an impressive display of his powers, and showcasing the murderous dark side that would possess him for the majority of the films to come.

The combination of the excellent score, writing, performances, and direction make this Magneto at his most sinister.

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X-Men Magneto
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