10 Best Magneto Moments

3. Lifting The Golden Gate Bridge - X-Men: The Last Stand

X-Men: The Last Stand is far from the best X-Men film, but it does see Magneto revert to his destructive ways following his redemption in X-Men 2.

It also features Magneto's biggest display of power in the original trilogy - arguably in the entire franchise. Leading his army to Alcatraz for the climax of the X-Men trilogy, he decides to show bystanders what he's really capable of.

Without straining himself, Magneto proves himself to be the world's most powerful mutant; he lifts one of humanity's most awesome architectural feats, the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco, using it to transport himself and the Brotherhood of Mutants to Alcatraz island, where the trilogy's epic final confrontation takes place.

All the while, he holds a smirk of immense satisfaction on his face. Being able to effortlessly lift 887,000 tons secures his place in the pantheon of Marvel villains - one of the most powerful, complex, and menacing of the group.

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X-Men Magneto
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