10 Best MCU Deleted Concept Art Scenes They Never Filmed

1. Doctor Strange And Mysterio Collide - Spider-Man: No Way Home

Strange Mysterio
Marvel Studios

Spider-Man: No Way Home certainly wasn't lacking in the rogues' gallery department. But even with that most definitely being the case, that still didn't stop the team behind the Spidey mega-mash from dreaming up a scenario that would've seen yet another Peter Parker adversary seemingly return from the dead.

In Andrew Reeder's concept art revolving around what looks like the feature's epic final battle between the trio of Spider-Men, Doctor Strange, and Parker's many enemies from multiple universes, it looks as though there was a time when Jake Gyllenhaal's Mysterio, A.K.A. Quentin Beck, was set to join the baddies in trying to take down Strange and Spidey.

With both mystical men powering up attacks on one another whilst hovering over Lady Liberty herself, it's not clear whether this would've been the Beck we've already seen in the MCU or perhaps a Mysterio from another universe who does actually possess the powers that were merely digital illusions in Far From Home.

Either way, it would've made for an admittedly gripping showdown, but one that would've likely bloated an already CRAMMED feature past the point of enjoyment. So, Jon Watts was likely wise to leave this idea on the page.

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Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...