10 Best Mission: Impossible Gadgets

4. Gecko Gloves

Though their time to shine came in the middle of the film - and for a relatively short sequence - the gecko gloves became the focal gadget for Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol from the moment audiences got a glimpse of them. They went on to dominate the poster, trailers and promotional materials up to and beyond the film's release and have secured themselves a firm place in the gadget hall of fame.

The gloves are designed like a gecko's feet, with electronically operated sticky pads on the tip of each finger that cling to any surface. The user places their hands flat against a surface to engage the connection and rolls them off again to disengage, allowing them to free climb without any other support.

In the film, Ethan uses them to scale the outside of the Burj Khalifa - the world's tallest building - while a raging sandstorm closes in. Though Cruise had always been hands-on with his stunt work, it was this scene, where he was actually suspended outside of the building, that set the template for his boundary-pushing exploits in the years since.


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