10 Best Mission: Impossible Stunts

2. Hanging Onto A Plane: Mission: Impossible - Rogue Nation (2015)

After the high-rise Burj Khalifa antics of Ghost Protocol, the bar for Mission: Impossible stunts was set at an eternally and surely insurmountable level. Cue the the next movie installment, a big plane, and mad mad Tom with his unending desire for entertaining danger.

The opening scene of Rouge Nation involved Ethan Hunt running along the top of a moving military aircraft. He then proceeds to hang precariously off the side while the craft takes off. Pretty much everything you see during this opening segment is real. That includes the g-force, the dangling legs, and Cruise's look of trepidation. No forced acting required for this one.

The best stunts in the entire Mission: Impossible franchise are the ones grounded in reality. As fantastical as it was, it actually happened. Just to further clarify, the only thing they removed from the shot in post production was one flimsy black cable attaching Tom to the door, so you better believe that his cling for dear life is sincere. Seriously, find the footage and watch it! You'll sh*t yourself.


Writer, proud father and also chimp. Plus I talk music at Everythingisnoise.net