Phil Lord and Chris Miller did an outstanding job on The Lego Movie, delivering a smart, sweet, beautifully animated adaptation that could so easily have gone south. Still, surely nobody expected the surprising addition of live-action at the end of the movie: Emmet (Chris Pratt) ends up flinging himself from the edge of the universe in an act of self-sacrifice, only to unexpectedly arrive in "the real world". We then realise that the events of the movie are in fact in the imagination of a boy, Finn, and that the movie's big bad, Mr. Business (Will Ferrell), is in fact Finn's father (also played by Ferrell), who favours order and chides his son for creating quirky, makeshift Lego scenarios that defy the prescribed method of play. After Emmet manages to move in the real world and Finn throws him back into Bricksburg, Finn's father realises how his son views him, and decides to allow him to play with the Lego as he wishes. The two are then seen to bond over playing with Lego, before Finn's father informs him that he'll now also have to allow Finn's younger sister to play, leading to the invasion of "alien Duplo", in probably one of the best-ever set-ups for a movie sequel.
Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes).
General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.