10 Best Movie Title Drops Ever
2. Chinatown
The Line: "Forget it Jake, it's Chinatown."
Not only can a really good title drop summarise the themes of the narrative, it can also properly body slam you in the gut and make you just want to lay in bed and stare up at the ceiling for days on end. Or at least, that's the case with Chinatown.
Throughout the entire movie, Jack Nicholson's character has it beaten into his head by gangsters, corrupt cops, and society at large that the world is chaotic and unfair. The bad guys always come out on top in the end, and anyone who says otherwise is either deluded, or soon to be dead.
Culminating in the final scene where a woman Nicholson swore to protect is brutally killed, and her sexually abusive husband absconds with her young daughter to continue that abuse, Nicholson can do nothing but stand there and watch. His partner tells him the immortal line, then we roll credits.
Like the ending it's set to, the line is one of apathy in the face of utter horror. When the abyss is too deep to look into, and too all encompassing to escape, what can one do but say, "screw it"?