10 Best Movie Villains Of 2019

6. Mysterio - Spider-Man: Far From Home

mysterio spiderman
Marvel Studios

As said before, the 'villain problem' is nothing new to the MCU. Throughout its history, too many antagonists have been either forgettable, wasted, or simply a carbon copy of the hero. Phase three did however begin a trend of far greater villains, including Spider-Man: Homecoming's Vulture.

Though Adrian Toomes was compelling, it wasn't long before he was overtaken as the best villain in Jon Watts' Spider-Man franchise. Far From Home introduced Jake Gyllenhall as Mysterio, a charismatic, almost likeable antagonist who left a real lasting impression despite it being his one and only franchise appearance.

There was absolutely no crossover of powers between Quentin Beck and Peter Parker. The former, one of the biggest names in Spidey's impressive rogues gallery, is one of the most unique villains to date, modified from the comics just enough to fit into the wider MCU, pulling his power from technology rather than any special ability.

Although Mysterio's motivation is somewhat childish, resenting Tony Stark for calling his creation BARF, he used his brain rather than brawn to play on the public's fears and expose the weakness of his adversary. No matter how long the MCU lives on, Quentin Beck will always be the man who revealed Spider-Man's true identity.


This standard nerd combines the looks of Shaggy with the brains of Scooby, has an unhealthy obsession with the Marvel Cinematic Universe, and is a firm believer that Alter Bridge are the greatest band in the world.