10 Best Movies Of Grimmfest 2016 Ranked

7. Beyond The Gates

Destroy All Entertainment

It seems that you can't turn on the television, radio or visit the cinema without some form of 80's nostalgia being rammed down your throat. Of course, amongst the raft of retro rubbish there are some highlights such as the superb Stranger Things, but on the whole it's all becoming just a little bit tedious. Step forward Beyond The Gates to prove there's still some originality to be found in this very specific sub-genre.

Balancing just the right amount of awkward humour with subtle creepiness, Beyond The Gates takes its inspiration from a select group of board games from the 80's that incorporated the use of VHS tapes to deliver a "realistic" experience. Tasked with completing the game to rescue their missing father, two brothers must complete a series of inventively varied and comedically gory challenges in order to progress.

Risking downright stupidity at every turn, Beyond The Gates manages to maintain a sense of interest through strong performances and an healthy pacing that rarely gives you chance to overthink what you're watching. And whether you'd care to admit it or not, you know you really want to play one of these games. Or at least you did.


Film fan, horror obsessive and defender of found footage; The Blair Witch Project is one of the most important films of all time - fact! Squeeze in the odd book too.