10 Best Movies Of Grimmfest 2016 Ranked
5. The Rezort
So, to zombie film number two. For The Rezort (see what they did there?) imagine a freaky version of Jurassic Park, one where you could off a few of the dinosaurs as long as you paid enough for the privilege. Here guests again travel to an isolated island, all set up with the customary electric fences and guards, but a select few can take their weapon of choice and safely take out their upper class stresses by making some undead, well, a bit more dead. But if we've learned anything from cinema, things always, always go wrong.
If you mixed two parts disaster movie, one part chase movie, threw in a horde of zombies and blended with just the right amount of political comment, you'd end up with The Rezort. This is a fun, noisy theme park ride of a film that just about keeps its lecturing urges in check. Full of cliched characters and as predictable as can be, it is a film that embraces it's sources and parades them front and centre for your entertainment.
If you're in the mood for some zombie action of a Friday night, and don't want to think to hard, The Rezort is a perfect post-pub, pre-pizza filler film that will keep you well and truly entertained.