10 Best Netflix Original Movies Of 2020 - Ranked
4. Mank

Films about filmmaking are always interesting to watch, so hearing that the director of Se7en, The Social Network, and Gone Girl was set to helm a movie about the man who wrote Citizen Kane? That was incredibly exciting news.
And thankfully, Mank lives up to the hype. It's something of a passion project for director David Fincher (it's been gestating since the 1990s, and the script was written by his father, Jack Fincher), and that love and care is evident in the end result, which is a meticulously crafted, sharply-written peek behind the curtain of the movie that, for many people, is one of the greatest in cinema history.
Mank definitely isn't for everyone - well-done though it is, the period-accurate look and sound will prove to be an insurmountable hurdle for some - but Gary Oldman's powerful performance as Citizen Kane screenwriter Herman J. Mankiewicz is one of the best of the year, and those who appreciate the film's impressive craftsmanship will find this an immersive and highly entertaining trip into Hollywood history.