10 Best One-Off Characters In The Marvel Cinematic Universe

8. Liz Toomes

Thor Ragnarok Hela Cate Blanchett

In a world where studio rights made more sense, Adrian Toomes from Spider-Man: Homecoming would definitely take a spot on this list. Michael Keaton made the most of his Spider-Man bad guy, whose story seemed to be over after the end of his first film. However, because Sony has the rights to the character, who will show up in their upcoming film Morbius, he doesn't qualify for this list.

However, Adrian isn't the only well written Toomes character. Adrian's daughter Liz, played by Laura Harrier, is also a great part of Spider-Man: Homecoming. Her relationship with Peter brings him and Adrian together, and the revelation that he is her father makes for one of the best plot twists in the MCU.

Liz isn't just a good character because of her connection to her father. She's a great friend to Peter, demonstrating kindness in the otherwise unfriendly world of Midtown School of Science and Technology. She's also incredibly smart, playing a key role in the school's Science Decathlon team. It's easy to see why everyone at Midtown likes Liz.

Unfortunately, after her father's arrest, she and her mother moved to Oregon, so even if Vulture returns, Liz is far less likely. Still, for the brief time we knew her, it was hard not to like Liz.


Richard C. Kraus (Richie to pretty much everyone) is an American college student and world record holder for most views of the 2015 film Ant-Man. He aspires to be a screenwriter, actor, and not tired.