10 Best One-Off Characters In The Marvel Cinematic Universe

6. Ego

Thor Ragnarok Hela Cate Blanchett
Marvel Studios

Much of the first Guardians of the Galaxy film hypes up Peter Quill's father. Peter himself has never met his father, and Yondu talks about him a lot, building him up throughout the film. When we finally meet Ego, Peter's dad, he manages to live up to the hype.

Kurt Russell makes sense as Star-Lord's father. He brings a similar sort of charm to the role that Chris Pratt brings to Quill, and the two have great chemistry. For a moment, viewers almost want Quill and Ego to remain together as father and son.

Ego only becomes better after a predictable yet heavy villainous turn. He reveals to Peter his ambitious plan to take over the universe, and that he killed Peter's mother so nothing would hold him back. This leads to a clash between the Guardians and a living planet in a brutal, creative, and hilarious final fight.

Though more of Ego probably would have gotten stale, he acts as a great villain for his one film.


Richard C. Kraus (Richie to pretty much everyone) is an American college student and world record holder for most views of the 2015 film Ant-Man. He aspires to be a screenwriter, actor, and not tired.